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الخطوات الثمانية لتصميم برامج تدريبية فعالة - عبد الرحمن محمد المحمدي... المزيد

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Change Management

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هذا كتاب لبروفسر الماني ورغم ايجازه الشديد إلا أنه في غاية التركيز والإفاده في موضوعه


David J. Enoch ★★★★★

To those people who are fearful of change, this one's for you. The strategies cited can help one deal with change effectively and positively.


The successful completion of a change project is an indicator for the professionalism of a company. Whether the changes are crises that must be met, mergers in which different cultures have to grow together or changes in the structures and processes, the management and employees feel constantly challenged by a changing environment. Only those who manage these changes professionally during ongoing operations with minimal stress will be successful in the future. The book not only explains different change management approaches but also provides numerous checklists and best practice examples.

About the Author

Prof. Dr. Olaf Passenheim is teaching Management at the university of applied sciences in Emden/ Germany. He studied industrial engineering in Karlsruhe/ Germany and Sydney/ Australia and received his doctor title from the university of Hamburg/ Germany. He was working in international senior management, e.g. for Procter&Gamble and the multinational consulting company Droege&Comp. for over 10 years. Prior to his appointment as full professor in Emden, he was CEO of an European pharmaceutical holding in the Netherlands. Major research areas are Risk Management and Change Management.



1. Change Management
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Reasons for Change
1.3 Origins of Change Management

2. Concepts of Change Management
2.1 Lewin´s Change Theory
2.2 Chin & Benne´s “Effecting Changes in Human System”
2.3 Bullock and Batten’s Phases of Planned Change
2.4 Beckhard and Harris change formula
2.5 7-S Model

3. The Change Process
3.1 Initiating a Top-Down Change
3.2 Initiating a Bottom-Up Change
3.2.1 Responsibility for managing change
3.2.2 Change management process
3.2.3 Dealing with the change
3.2.4 Scope

4. Change Management Projects
4.1 External and internal influences
4.2 Change strategies and approaches
4.2.1 Directive strategies
4.2.2 Expert strategies
4.2.3 Negotiating strategies
4.3.4 Educative strategies
4.2.5 Participative strategies
4.3 Examples of failed change management projects
4.4 Pitfalls in a change management project
4.4 Bringing Change to Success
4.4.1 Building a Business Case
4.4.2 Determining Organizational Readiness
4.4.3 Reaching more people – better communication
4.4.4 Involvement of the Stakeholders
4.4.5 Review the Change

5. Conclusion – The 4C-Toolbox of Change Management

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